Association News
There will be an "in person" meeting on May 12, 2021 at the Lower Chichester Fire House.
6:45 Board Meeting
7:30 Association Meeting
Please contact Paul Blanford at 610-299-2486 if you plan to attend. The Fire Company is providing refreshments and we need to give them a number of attendees by May 3. ALL safety protocols will be in place for the protection of our members including masks, social distancing, and hand sanitizers.
The association website is progressing quite well. If you haven’t checked it recently, please do so.
I have asked to have the PA Statute regarding Fire Police and their authority to be placed on the website. If you haven’t reviewed the Statute recently, you should. It is located under ABOUT US on the website. It seems that at times there are individuals acting as Fire Police Officers who are not sworn in or trained. Please report any unknown Fire Police to your local police department for questioning and let us know about the incident.
Speaking of incidents, Ben Dehaven was struck twice at a fire in Brookhaven. The first driver left the scene and was later arrested. The second driver was never located. Ben was not seriously injured in either event. We definitely have to be careful out there!
In early March, Art, Mike, and I met with Brandon Michaels, President of the Chester County Fire Police Association. It was a very amicable meeting and we shared lots of information. Feel free to check out their website:WWW.CHESCOFIREPOLICE.ORG.
We now have a new batch of decals for your vehicle. Thanks again to John O’Mailey for getting these for us. The cost per decal is $5.00 and can be obtained through Guilio or me.
Members News
Congratulations to Bob Owsiany who has been elected Warden and Advocate of the Knights of Columbus Council #3878 at Our Lady of Charity Parish in Brookhaven. Way to go Bob!!
I spoke to Lois on April 6, 2021. She is still in a hotel awaiting the approval of the permit to start the renovations. She sounds great and will be attending our May 12th meeting.
In Other News
Judy Kirby has been very sick and is now staying with John Llyod and his wife. Please send Judy a card if you can. I know she would greatly appreciate it.
89 Conchester Highway
Glen Mills, PA 19442
We will continue with our mass emails. Hopefully everyone is receiving them. Thanks to Guilio and Steve for all their hard work. Please check your SPAM folder if you are not receiving them via email.
Should you have any newsworthy information for me, please contact me at 610-299-2486.
Thanks, and Stay Safe!
Paul Blanford
Interim President |